This very small, classic, held on a weekday wedding has a great backstory... Lori and Diane [ best friends since high school] Tom and Lori dated when they were in the late teens, first love. On 08.12.21 we celebrated her best friend Diane who married Robert [ Lori connected them a few years back - [ Diane and Robert used to also date in their late teens... Life had it to where, they all had gotten married to different people, raised families and now, they reunited - re kindled their love... and both couples have married... 2 years later we are celebrating Lori and Thomas... How amazing and incredible is all this [Of-course, if you all kept up with the labyrinth in words]
The colors were very clean - linens for groom and off white silk for the bride with little details on the slit.
Dinner was catered by Class Act Catering, who delighted with appetizers, main courses and desserts. Planning and Coordination by Krystal with A Seaside Weddings and Events.
Officiated by Donna Brown