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The Pineapple Story | A Pineapple Is Not Just A Pineapple | A Story of Caring and Principles | Entre

A few weeks back, a pineapple was part of our shoot, As I held this little tiny pineapple, I thought... Is this? Or was it suddenly a sign? While observing it, this little pineapple in our hands, I started to think ...

The meaning of the pineapple; while it spans centuries, and it is recognized as a symbol of hospitality, friendship, and the universal party fruit throughout numerous cultures. The pineapple meaning has also come to be instilled with many positive messages and life lessons. Also, its place in history was a very notorious one in Europe, since the fruit was so perishable, it became a symbol of luxury, nobility, and wealth throughout Europe. In other words, a single pineapple could fetch a fortune. Thus, the host who was able to present freshly cut pineapple to his or her guests was the one with money, power, and connections. Placing the individual in a very high place.

Why a post about pineapples 🍍? Because of the symbolism, which truly reflects honest essence, like a goodwill ambassador... Proving best care to those who we provide. For me, personally - As a believer in amazing customer service. The client is our number one priority...

As a company we understand that love languages are as part of our stories. As entrepreneurs we acknowledge that customer service and customer care isn’t just an automated action and we crave the connections with all our clients.

We love to see every couple's day through, and having this philosophy - People are first, And this little amazing symbol represents it all for us. So, while having challenges trough the 2 storms in the past 7 weeks - which have totally changed the dynamics in life for us and many others, we were able to stay on top of work and schedule and we have been tackling our editing, even while displaced.

We are a few days behind on some deadlines, but all the ground work is been done.

That said... Our clients are our #1 priority and nothing can change that!

#happypineappleMonday #engagementring #engagementphotos#weddingdress #weddingwire #weddings#alliemillerphotography #havefun#weddingfunday #tropics#destinationweddings #hospitality#weddingplanning #alliemillerweddings#signs #tableset #fuji400h #mastinlabs

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